LEAVEN welcomes a broad spectrum of people.  Our programs and services are open to all, without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by law.  We are proud of how inclusive our services are.

We serve homeowners and people struggling with homelessness, families and individuals, people with varying levels of education, people with no income to those with moderate income, and people in differing degrees of crisis.   The common denominator among all our clients is that they are in a financial crisis and have nowhere else to turn for help.

Whether its situational or generational, short-term or chronic, poverty is an economic issue that impacts both the struggling household and our community as a whole.  LEAVEN’s support and assistance prevents these vulnerable households from slipping into greater poverty, homelessness, and ill health. 

LEAVEN’s Vision

LEAVEN will lead efforts to ensure that everyone in the community we serve has access to resources that lead to economic stability and quality of life.

LEAVEN’s Goals

  • Increase awareness to position LEAVEN as the first point of contact for assistance in meeting basic financial needs, which cannot be met elsewhere

  • Significantly utilize volunteers to accomplish our mission

  • Ensure a holistic process, working in partnership with individuals/families, that:

    • identifies and understands the needs

    • results in the development of an actionable plan

    • results in successful implementation of the plan—both short term and long term goals

  • Provide access to partner agencies to connect individuals/families with solutions to their needs

  • Monitor recidivism rates to ensure positive and significant progress and make appropriate revisions to our strategies/tactics, as needed 

  • Understand the relationship between total basic financial needs in the community and LEAVEN's capacity to meet them